Hadfield Roofing & Cladding Limited has an unblemished safety record.
We fully recognise the dangers of working on construction sites and at height and, as such have always placed a great deal of time and effort into ensuring the safety of our employees and all those working in close proximity to us.
We regularly review our Health and Safety Policy and consider ongoing training of our employees to be an essential part of our operations.
We are members of the National Federation of Roofing Contractors and have been awarded the NFRC 'Gold' Safety in Roofing Award every year since 2011. We are also proud winners of the YIRTG’s Commitment to Training Award.
We use the services of Health and Safety Consultants, Work Nest www.worknest.com from who we obtain a wide range of health and safety services to reduce risk, improve safety and wellbeing for employees and ensure that our organisation is compliant with health and safety legislation.
In addition, we are SafeContractor accredited which further demonstrates that we meet all necessary standards in our industry for health and safety, environmental practices, modern slavery, diversity, equality, workplace well being and financial stability.
All our operatives hold CSCS cards (the majority of which are ‘Gold’ cards), NVQ Level 2 & NVQ Level 3 qualifications in Roof Sheeting and Cladding, RoofCERT, CPCS Telehandler, CPCS or IPAF Scissor and Boom, PASMA and UKATA Asbestos certificates.
All our operatives have also completed various manufacturer specific training which is regularly refreshed. We issue a full set of operatives’ qualifications prior to works commencing on each site.

Site specific Method Statements, Risk Assessments and COSHH Assessments are produced for all contracts. We also have our own in-house CPCS Appointed Person who produces detailed and individual Lifting Plans for all craning operations.
We employ only fully trained Scaffolders and Safety Net riggers to erect and dismantle Edge Protection and Safety Nets, and also issue site specific RAMS for these works.