At Hadfield Roofing & Cladding Limited, we take our environmental responsibilities very seriously and strive to minimise the impact of our activities, including those of our sub-contractors and suppliers, at all times. To achieve this, we:
- Consider environmental issues in the decision-making process and aim to develop objectives that target environmental improvements and monitor performance
- Avoid / minimise the use of materials which may be harmful to the environment
- Promote efficient purchasing to avoid waste, incorporate sustainable materials and allow for materials to be recycled at the end of the building’s life
- Encourage the efficient use of materials and resources
- Where possible, we will procure materials and resources locally to reduce distances travelled, and also keep the number of deliveries to a minimum by efficiently planning and managing orders
- Raise employees’ awareness and understanding of environmental issues by communicating this policy at all levels to encourage staff to carry out their activities in an environmentally responsible manner
- Conserve energy through minimising consumption and maximising efficiency by carrying out simple measures such as: car sharing, turning engines off, reducing packaging, turning lights out etc
- Reduce waste to the lowest practicable level and, also ensure correct disposal of waste, using only authorised waste management companies for disposal. Where possible, waste will be segregated, both on site and in the office, for recycling
- Strive to keep the environmental impact of noise to a minimum
- Comply with all relevant environmental regulations, as well keeping up to date with any changes in legislation in our ever-changing industry
- Assess and regularly re-assess the environmental effects of our Company’s operations and take steps, as necessary, to deal with any issues identified
- Identify the risk of pollution from our materials and activities on site so that the risk of a pollution incident can be eliminated, or effectively controlled
We regularly review our Environmental Policy to ensure the continual improvement of our environmental performance.